SoBe Squamata

The Challenge

Launch the new Zero Calorie SoBe Lifewater product line using only social media and hyperlocal grassroots

The Solution

A summer-long program of sampling with a branded food truck, promoting sampling events via social media, along with live music performances, limited edition artist collaborations and partnerships with Huf, Hurley, Dita, Dublab, Dr. Romanelli, Eric Elms, and Craig Redman.

The Results

6MM global impressions in addition to huge buzz and earned media. Garnered the attention and enthusiasm of trendwatchers HYPEBEAST, High Snobiety, and Colette Paris. Kicked off this popular hydration line for SoBe and PepsiCo.

Sampling Days

Global Impressions (MM)

Online Uniques (MM)

Twitter Impressions (MM)

Skills Used

Brand Strategy

Social Media Management

Original Creative Concepts

Novel Partnerships

Event Production

Cultural Curation

Squamata Outcomes